Endowment Supporters
The LCFEF raises $2 million annually through various fundraising events, but the Endowment plays a crucial role as one of the largest contributors. Recently, during the 2024-25 state budget crisis, the Endowment donated the maximum allowed $500,000 to the Annual Fund.
To clarify, both the Annual Fund and the Endowment are vital for our schools. The Annual Fund provides immediate resources, while the Endowment offers long-term, stable support. Think of the Annual Fund like a paycheck—available for current use—while the Endowment is like a pension, offering annual benefits with long-term security.
The Endowment’s funds are invested for growth, with a portion distributed to the schools each year based on a policy determined by the Trustees. This ensures ongoing support for future generations.
Aiming for a $50 million Endowment could provide $2.5 million annually to LCUSD, creating a reliable cushion independent of state funding. Let’s make this a community goal for the future of our schools.
We have made every attempt to accurately report donations, but mistakes happen. If we have made an error, we sincerely apologize and ask that you please contact the Foundation office at (818) 952-4268 so that we may correct our records. Thank you for your understanding.
*Due to space constraints, the hundreds of generous individuals who have contributed over the years to the Endowment Fund through previous campaigns and appeals cannot be listed here .(As of Oct. 2024).
$300,000 And Greater
Gordon and Dona Crawford
The Hotchkin Family
Fairmount Enterprises, LP
$200,000 And Greater
Joel and Wendy Bennett
Rose Harrington
Gene and Mindy Stein
The Shupper Family Foundation
$100,000 And Greater
Chris and Kelly Davis
Stephen and Elysa DelGuercio
Casey and Elizabeth Fitzpatrick
Kevin and Carrie Martin
Peter Palermo and Jeanne Maus
Craig and Melissa Mazin
David and Kalana Penner
Matthew and Justine Plocher
John and Gina Ricci
Brad and Vicki Schwartz
Scott and Mary Tracy
California Community Foundation
Capital Group Companies Charitable
Gertrude Josephine Bennett Family
The Phyllis and Angelo Mozilo Family
$50,000 And Greater
Elizabeth Andresen
Greg Boreham and Nancy Fairchild
Mike and Jane Goldberg
Kenneth and Lori Gorvetzian
Chad and Alison Heath
Andrew and Nicole Johnsen
Jason and Billie Melillo
Peter and Kelly McWilliams
Chris Morgan
Rob and Paige Olson
Jeff and Karmen Parks
John and Shannon Petersen
Michael and Jodi Powers
Harpal and Gita Singh
Rodney Swan
Kevin and Sandy Tsujihara
Paul and Betty Woolls
$25,000 And Greater
Ara and Karine Aslanian
Ron and Fabiana Badie
David and Julie Battaglia
Jack and Patricia Beauchamp
Gertrude Bennett
Malcolm Boyd and Renee LaBran
Andrew and Joyce Chang
Doris Young Coates
Julia and Bob Cooper
Kevin and Heather Ehrhart
Emil and Linda Eyvazoff
Dana and Rose Fox
Greg Frame and Gillan Abercrombie Sandy Gauntlett Lee and Hilary Gregg Eric and Shelby Grey Timothy and Shannon Griffin Paul and Heather Haaga Leonard and Mary Kenney James and Melanie Liu Chris and Christi Matarese Jeremy and Julie Milbrodt Christopher and Beth Milton Scott and Lindsay Monroe Paul and Crista Murray
Mitchell Paull and Dr. Ardath Yamaga
Konstantin and Shilpa Penanen
Joel and Darleen Peterson
Joe and Tina Radabaugh
Barry and Lisa Reed
John and Robin Renfro
Diana Schulz
Don and Cayce Sheppard
Ken and Stacey Smersfelt
Mark and Jan Tinoco
Jonathan Tolkin
Brad and Clarissa Weirick
Brett and Tara Woodford
Classic Concepts
Foothill Chinese School
La Canada Kiwanis Foundation
The Walt Disney Company Matching
$10,000 And Greater
Barbara Abercrombie
Charles and Sandy Ahn
Todd Andrews and Alison McQuay
Elizabeth Argue
Denny and Brynn Barge
Joseph and Elsa Behney
Mel and Emily Blaney
Robert and Angela Blair
Chris and Sonja Bradley
Derek and Kristi Borisoff
Jeanne Broberg
Mitch and Teresa Butier
Steve and Barb Cabello
Frank and Margaret Campbell
Kirk and Constance Campbell
William and Raissa Choi
John and Karen Clark
Doris Young Coates
Josh and Paris Cohen
Dante and Lucy Croupe
The Carey and Cruz Families
Chris and Alexandra deFaria
Andrew and Elisabeth Dick
Doug and Ann Drummond
Dhiya and Mindy El-Saden
Sue and Tom Fuelling
Fred and Allyson Gartside
Andy and Debbie Gilmour
Dave and Christine Grammier
Michael and Lynley Gross
Stephen and Priya Harder
Charles and Kathryn Hofgaarden
J.W. and Ida M. Jameson Foundation
Tracy Jeandron and Dr. Debra Jeandron
Willan Johnson and Lakshmi Dastur-Johnson
Hugh and Diane Jones
Bill and Rana Kantar
James and Susanne Kaufman
Kevin and Leslie Kevorkian
Craig and Theresa King
Peter and Teri Lauenstein
David and Janet Lazier
Nathan and Carol Lewis
Brett and Lanie Lindenfeld
Vito and Rebecca Mairone
Amir Martin and Leslie Chang
Shawn and Sarah McCann
Mike and Ingrid McConnell
David and Elizabeth McFadzean
DeWayne and Mary McMullin
Danielle McPherson
Irene Mendon
Raffi and Myrna Mesrobian
Al and Vaida Mikuckis
Craig Miller and Lisa Arnett
Jeffrey and Paula Miller
Jim and Cary Moore
Frank and Truc Moore
James and Tracey Nelson
Robert and Shelley Packer
Christopher and Melody Petrossian
Luis Que
Rick and Danielle Remender
Glendon and Kelley Rusch
Mark Russakow and Tara Westwater
Kai Ryssdal and Stephanie Fossan
Mark and Nancy Samuels
Peter and Linda Segal
Alexander and Laura Seropian
Aalok and Nicole Sharma
Jonathan Shing and Melisa Lee
Kathleen Smith
E. Lawrence and Mary Spencer-Smith
Tracy and Suzanne Stewart
Christopher and Sarina Stogel
Scott and Narai Sugino
Weili Sun and Ling Huang
Dr. Jonathan Tam and Mrs. Grace Tam
Alex and Vickie Taylor
Daniel and Yvonne Thorman
Powell and Karen Thurston
Keith and Tracy Tobias
David and Jill Van Slooten
Lydia Valenta
Donald and Lynn Voss
Shaw Wagener and Deborah Heitz
Brent and Deborah Weirick
Tara Westwater
Michael and Tammi Wright
Charles and Martha Wolf
Charles and Tammie Woodhouse
Philip and Wendy Wyatt
Toros Yetenekian and Kayla Fisher
John and Helen Yoon
Scott and Karen Young
Kimberly and Dr. Arthur Yu
Fannie Mae Foundation
Fiel Foundation
GE Foundation
Kirk Campbell, Trustee, Campbell Foundation
Lou Jones & Associates
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Rotary Club of La Canada Flintridge
Wells Fargo Foundation