SAVE THE DATE: Jog-a-Thon 2024 | Wednesday, November 6, 2024

The LCFEF jog-a-thon is an exciting and purposeful fundraising event held at our elementary schools. By participating in the jog-a-thon, students engage in physical activity while raising funds that help enhance the educational experience for all students. During the event, students jog, walk, or run around a designated course marked out by cones, creating a safe and familiar environment for them.
Thanks to the generous support of our local business community, through our Business Partners in Excellence Program (BPIE), all students receive matching t-shirts, creating a sense of unity and team spirit. Our amazing elementary school PE teachers keep students motivated and energized throughout the event by incorporating music and other fun activities.

Family and friends can join the action by pledging money for your jogger’s all-star effort on our interactive website, or drop off a pledge form at your school office. Watch the totals rise and see which school team has raised the most money for our schools.
ALL funds raised for your joggers will count towards your annual gift to the Foundation and gifts from others (grandparents, neighbors, friends) count towards your total too! Join us for a great opportunity to promote healthy habits, community giving, and team spirit!